This series is designed to support learners whose access to Sepedi is limited. The course sets high standards to ensure growing confidence in learning Sepedi.
Matome sekolong6
Naa o ya sekolong? Ke eng seo se go thabi*ago sekolong sa geno? Bala o ithute ka ga seo Matome a se dirago sekolong sa gabo.
Do you go to school? What makes you happy at your school? Read and learn what Matome does at his school.
Lapa leo le phet*ego gabotse
Bala ka ga Thabang le maloko a lapa la gabo.
Read about Thabang and the members of his family.
Leeto le lebose
Naa ga o dume go t*ea leeto? Ke mehuta efe ya dinamelwa yeo o ratago go se *omi*a leetong la gago?
Don*t you wish to go on a journey? What types of transport would you like to use for your journey?